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One-Line Bio

Phil Cubeta, Morals Tutor to America's Wealthiest Families


On Company Time, I serve as Chief of Staff and "Charitable Cheerleader" for a division of a financial services firm, located in Dallas. Prior to coming to Dallas, I headed up our company's Charitable Giving Network out of our Home Office in New York City.

On my own time I serve as a pro bono Morals Tutor to America's Wealthiest Families. We cannot save the country or the world until we save the souls of those who run it.


I was raised in VT, a faculty brat on a lovely campus. After graduating from The Loomis School, I was educated Williams College in English Lit, Oxford University in Philosophy and Psychology, and Yale in English Language and Literature.

Personal Interests

My passion is Augustan satire, the illustrious past, present, and future of Our Noble Trade, as Dryden called it. First Carnival, then Lent.

I am married with two grown children. My wife teaches high school English.


The views presented here are mine, or at least those of a character like Diogenes that I might be impersonating from time to time. The views bodied forth may not represent those of my employer unless otherwise noted.

Full Modified Hangout

Let me come clean: I would be disengenous if I said that I am really trying to improve your morals. My motivation is more like revenge. When I see democracy slipping away in my lifetime, it gives me a huge anger management problem. To reform your morals is a job for a Preacher, or the Police. I would be happy just to pick your pocket on your way to the Pillory.